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Olga Chepelianskaia
CEO, Erg Terra Expertise

After graduating from Sciences Po Paris with a Masters in Economics of Development, Olga worked for the French government and the United Nations (UNECE, UN ESCAP, UNEP) facilitating clean energy market formation and eco-efficient urban development in a number of countries in Asia and Europe. Subsequently, she has founded Erg Terra Expertise – a consulting company, which provides advisory services and accompanies project implementation in international organizations, government entities, NGOs and the private sector. She has international experience in providing policy advice, facilitating public-private partnerships, setting up financial mechanisms for clean energy and urban development projects, conducting capacity building activities and organizing high level international events related to sustainable development. 

Olga Chepelianskaia

CEO and Founder

Senior Expert - Asia & Europe

Clean Energy and Eco-efficient urban development 

Sharp Developments - Delivering Sustainable Solutions
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